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Interested in becoming a member? Follow these steps and read further to learn about the different ways you can stay involved.

General Membership

General Membership faqs

Do I need to be an engineering major to join EWB?

General membership is open to all majors and years.


What are the requirements to stay a member?

  • Attend weekly meetings

  • Attend all general meetings

  • Commit 1-2 hours of your week towards EWB

  • Pay $50 semester dues


When do dues need to to be paid by?

The second general meeting on 2/27/2024.

project  Membership

pROJECT Membership faqs

Am I eligible to join a project team?

In order to apply for a project team you need to either:

  • Successfully ETAM

  • OR have one semester of FIELD or Development experience


What are the requirements to stay an international project member?

  • Attend all project weekly meetings

  • Attend all general meetings

  • Commit 2-3 hours of your week towards EWB projects

  • Pay $50 semester dues


How long are the applications open?

Until February 3rd at midnight.


When can I find out if I made it into a project team?

On February 5th applicants will be sent an email with the results.


If I am not selected as an international project member, can I still be a general member?

Yes, there is no restriction to be a general member.

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