We are so excited for this new year! Thank you for visiting the new website for Engineers Without Borders TAMU. This is now the interactive hub we will be using for all information, events, and exciting news. If you are interested in joining EWB please continue reading, or visit our membership page.

What can members do?
Members on the website must first be approved by the officers and have their dues payed before they have access to this feature on our website. Once a member, you can follow each other, write and reply to comments, and receive blog notifications. Each member gets their own personal profile page that they can customize.

Membership Benefits
Membership dues are $25 a semester. These fees cover a majority of the projects needs. However, the dues are also directed towards you through workshop equipment, food, and discounted merchandise. As a member, you are placed into our point system, receive food at all general meetings, have access to any workshop we host, are able to join a project team, and are allowed to buy/win EWB merchandise.
Here’s how to fully benefit from our website:
Head to the home page for the latest updates.
Learn more about who we are through the about us page.
Discover the projects we are involved in by accessing the projects page.
The events page shows our monthly calendar and upcoming events.
Become a member through the membership page or donate to our cause!
We hope this website is more user friendly and provides everyone with regular updates. If you have any general questions or issues with using the website, please email president@ewbtamu.org and we will try to address your concerns as soon as possible!
Thank you for showing interest in Engineers Without Borders, and happy new year!