Our first online summer meeting will be May 19th at 7PM. The zoom meeting ID is 96283909058.
Our next online meeting will be May 26th at 7PM, where our mentors Jon and Chuck will be joining us for the first time!
This summer we plan on accomplishing a lot in order to best prepare for the fall semester. The Rwanda project team has a heavy work load, but we are both excited and prepared to tackle this head on. Please join us at our meetings when they are posted and see our current project page for any updates throughout the summer. We thank all of our members for their hard work and dedication towards making the world a better place one community at a time. This information is only for our current members.
If you are interested in joining EWB-TAMU please email president@ewbtamu.org or text 214-600-3242! EWB-TAMU will be accepting new members in the Fall semester of 2020, but we would love to hear from you over the summer as well.